little samie

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use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::SAM;
#use Win32::Slingshot;

$| = 1;
my $URL = "";
my $seconds;

$Win32::OLE::Warn = 3;

$seconds = Navigate($URL);
print "Google Page took $seconds seconds to load\n";
$seconds = ClickFormButton("btnG");
print "Query Page took $seconds seconds to load\n";

Going through the code line by line...

$seconds = Navigate($URL);

This the second line of code that makes a subroutine call to  The Navigate subroutine is defined in which lives here:


It is defined there like this:

sub Navigate { #$URL,$popup
    my ($URL,$popup) = @_;
    #print "popup = $popup\n";
    $popup eq "popup" ? ($popup = 1) : ($popup = 0) if (defined($popup));
    my $seconds = 0;
    my $hnd = $Win32::SAM::IE->{HWND};
    if ($popup) {
        #print "Calling WaitForDocumentCompleteForPopup() popup = $popup\n";
        $seconds = WaitForDocumentCompleteForPopup();
    else {
        #print "Calling WaitForDocumentComplete()\n";
    $seconds = WaitForDocumentComplete();
    return $seconds;
    #print "Here's the Window handle: $hnd\n";

This subroutine tells Internet Explorer to Navigate to the scalar $URL. 
It takes an optional Boolean Parameter $popup. 
This parameter should be set to 1 if the URL you are navigating to raises one or more popup windows.

The Navigate Subroutine returns the number of seconds that Internet Explorer took to load the URL.

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little samie